Baptism preparation classes are held at 10am every Saturday. Parents and godparents are required to attend three (3) preparation classes prior to the date of baptism. A flexible, online Baptismal preparation course is now available for families who are unable to attend weekend preparation courses. Please call or visit the Saint Kateri office for more information.
Our parish Religious Education Program accepts students ages 7 and up for First Communion, and 13 and up for Confirmation to register for classes.
If you are an adult in need of completing your Sacraments, please call or visit the Saint Kateri office for more information.
All quinceañera candidates must be registered in the parish and have or will have recieved the Sacrament of Confirmation by the date of their quinceañera. Families are asked to visit the parish office six months in advance to schedule the quinceañera mass and complete the proper paperwork.
Mass and burial servces are provided. To schedule a funeral mass, please visit the parish office to fill out a request form.
For a sick call or communion visit, please call the Saint Kateri office: 520-622-5363.
We are thrilled to announce the launch of our new Youth Ministry Program! Designed to deepen your faith in a fun and welcoming environment, this program offers opportunities for service, social events, and engaging discussions about your Catholic identity. If you have any questions or would like more information, please visit our Youth Ministry page or call the Saint Kateri office.